11 research outputs found

    Network Convergence: Where is the Value?

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    The entire telecommunications industry is going through very difficult times. Rapidly changing technology, lack of good business models, and lack of visibility in the near-term for renewed growth all create an uncertain environment. Yet, the global Internet is becoming a multi-service network infrastructure that can potentially replace existing disparate voice and data networks. Although it is widely believed in the telecommunications industry that network convergence of voice, data, video, and images is an industry driver, not much attention has yet been paid to a key proposition: what value does network convergence bring to business and residential customers? This paper explains how different industries are converging; the technological, economic and regulatory forces that are at play and how the various customer segments can benefit from network convergence. While technological advancement is transforming industry and business models rapidly, one question keeps coming back to haunt managers: Where is the business value? We illustrate the value proposition of convergence (for various players) by first explaining the paradigm shifts happening across industries and then highlighting the high velocity spiral of knowledge dissemination theory that is fueled by convergence

    A Study of Online Presence in Digital Learning Environments

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    Online courses are popular in the United States. In particular, the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) platform such as Coursera and edX are used to deliver online courses exclusively. Although these courses often do not provide any college level credits or degrees, scores of people have already joined the courses and finished them. Many schools are struggling to incorporate online modalities into their curricula. Often they do not have enough resources to develop and deliver the online courses. In addition, delivered online courses are not as promising as expected, not just because the resources are lacking, but because they have different modalities from traditional classroom based courses. In this study, we proposed a model of relationship between online presence and student learning outcomes. By identifying the proper measures of online presence, instructors can not only pass on their knowledge, but also drastically improve the learning experience for their students


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    A Strategic Pricing for Quality of Service (QoS) Network Business

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    Reviewing Technological Solutions of Source Address Validation

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    It is essential to know the source IP address of a packet to prevent the IP spoofing attack which masquerades the sender\u27s true identity. If there is a way to trace back the origin of the massive DDoS attacks, we could find the responsible parties of the incidents and prevent future attacks by blocking them. Unfortunately, the original TCP/IP stacks don\u27t require the real source IP address to forward the packets to the destination. Malicious attackers can modify the source IP address to hide its true identity and able to send the fraudulent packets to the victim. One of the critical features of the next generation Internet is having a secure Internet which provides trust between participants and protects the privacy of the individuals. In this paper, we review the various approach to provide the source address validation (SAV) schemes. There are many new methods have been proposed, no single way is providing the comprehensive solution to this issue. Privacy is a critical issue to consider when the true identity is available on the network as well

    Understanding student behaviors in online classroom : data scientific approach

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    Students drop classes for many reasons. Some are personal such as medical conditions, family issues, or financial difficulties. Others are course specific such as course contents, instructor, or classmates. In either way, class drop is a serious problem to institutions because without students there will be no students learning. As a first step to understand students drops, this study will address the issue of students' behaviors in online classrooms